A Game Changing $300 Million Water Security Proposal From Obama

Posted on Water Safety February 10, 2016 by Enolgas USA

The autonomous vehicle plan and oil tax are attracting the majority of the attention, but the $300 million proposal for securing clean water to all Americans should not be overlooked. Here are the details of the proposal:

  • Real time usage data: no centralized monitoring of water usage has been a problem. There have also never been any public records of water usage. This proposal aims to make water usage public and accurate so that the levels of usage can be reduced.
  • Improved water modeling: water modeling can help predict water shortages and surpluses. As a result supply and demand will be better matched.
  • Desalination research hub: a comprehensive attempt to desalinate the water of the oceans can solve a lot of the water shortage problems. Currently the technology is harmful to the environment, expensive and not energy efficient. The desalination research hub can be used to improve the technology so that it is a viable option to provide water for all Americans.
  • Raising water issues: a White House Water Summit will be held to raise awareness and speak about the issues that concern the water supply for Americans.

We have all seen droughts in Western USA and the problems that it inflicts locally. Since we can no longer rely on rainfall models that have filled up our reservoirs over the last few centuries, we hope that Obama’s $300 million proposal can go a long way to solve potential water supply problems. Clean water is an undeniable human right that in the 21st century should not be in question – especially the powerhouse that is the USA.

Learn more and read the full article here.

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